So I'm back now. What a story to tell...
A couple of days ago I was just minding my own business sitting on the couch. I heard a knock. I opened the door and saw a man in a uniform. It was a black boots, brown shirt kind of garb. He had mean beady eyes. He glared at me intently, then he shrieked, "You haff violated statute 593C, da commander will see you now!"
"Uh, no thanks. I don't want any.", I said, trying to close the door.
He stuck his arm in to stop me. Then a group of similar dressed men marched up to my door and into my house. They were stomping around in a circle and yelling out things, "Flay the heretic!", "I will eliminate you!", "You are a blemish in our perfect world!", "Organic material will not be tolerated!", "Obey!"
I didn't know who they were, what they were up to or anything. I just wished they would go away. It was so weird I just stood there in shock unable to react.
Finally one of them walked up to me jabbed me in the arm with a hypodermic needle. Jeez I hate it when fascists stomp around your room and do that. "Thees eez bullshit in da needle! You will take it", he said with a leering grin.
"What?!" I exclaimed, "Why are you invading my home and injecting me with your bullshit?! What is this? Why are you doing this?!"
They all stopped marching around and they got a serious look on their face. The captain said, "You have violated code 4350Q! How dare you. You'd better watch it you're in enough trouble." One of the smaller goons started to giggle like a little girl. The captain barked at him, "Quiet! Infraction 435Q! Write it down!"
"Wait a minute, wait a minute" I said. "Who are you and what are you doing? What's going on?"
I don't remember much after that. It was all a fog. I got woozy and they tied me down to a gourney. I stared at the sky wondering what in the hell was going on and why the fascists had to make it so hard for me.
The next thing I remember I woke up wearing a hospital gown in a Roman Cathedral. I was desperate and confused. I stumbled down the aisle. My bare feet could feel the grime and grit of the carpet. I opened the door to blindingly bright sunshine. Every nerve ending was raw. I felt like hadn't gotten any sleep. I couldn't think straight. My mouth felt fuzzy.
That damn fascist bullshit was screwing me up.
I stumbled out into a large city crowd where everyone was jabbering very loudly in a foreign language I didn't understand. It sounded incredibly alien and inhuman.
One man with a pizza in his hand approached me. He started talking to me emphatically. It seemed like he had asked a question. I was just dazed and blankly looked back at him. He started to look more agitated. He asked again.
"I don't understand you. What do you want?" I replied.
He started what must have been cursing in his language. I shrugged my shoulders and shook my head trying to convey the essence of "I don't know what your problem is." It seemed as if anything I did only made him more angry. His face was beet red. His eyebrows were quivering. Again a lengthy blast of foreign language cursing.
He had the eyes of a wild animal. Veins bulged on his forehead. The volume of his voice got louder, more hysterical. I tried to get away but his hand which wasn't holding the pizza kept a vise like grip on me. He kept up the tirade. He used the pizza to emphasize whatever points he was trying to make. I had no idea who this man was or why he was so angry. Sometimes he would point at the pizza for some reason. Sometimes he would make a little person walking with his two fingers, walking around the pizza.
A small crowd started to gather around. A police officer walked by carrying a baton. As the pizza man continued his screeching, he began to wheeze in between breaths. Specks of saliva were spraying out. Foam was gathering around his mouth. It looked like he was possesed. It looked like he wasn't making sense in any language. His verbal assault became more and more animal-like with grunts and growls as punctuation. Suddenly he stopped. The expression on his face suddenly relaxed. He looked startled. Then after looking out into the distance for one second he turned to me and then collapsed to the ground.
It was totally still and silent. Everyone looked at the man. Then in unison they looked at me. The policeman broke the silence with something that sounded incriminating. "Gabba, gabba, gabba gooo!", with rising inflection on the "goo" it sounded like.
"I didn't do anyting!!" I said. "I didn't do anything! What the hell is going on?! I didn't do anything!" I pleaded.
The policeman walked purposefully up to me and bashed me over the head unconscious. "Papa doo da!" he exclaimed self-righteously.
The next hours and days were something of blur. It's hard to explain with all the details and all but basically I was laying in a tomato field and then I got abducted by an alien spaceship.
I spent what seemed like weeks strapped to a metal slab in a semi-conscious state. At one point I suddenly felt awake. The restraints to hold me down were gone. The pizza man was there, standing next to me. He had what resembled a scuba mask which acted as a translation device.
"We have allowed you this time as preparation for the test."
"Why is there strife?" he asked.
"Hmm... because people are unhappy? I guess... They feel pain and they react. They attack. Uhh... The become fixated and identify with what they have said or done, defensiveness. Uh, and also like you know the nature of man can be wicked and all that."
"And how do you explain inhuman treatment of others?"
"Well people start seeing people as objects first of all. Objects to project their problems onto, objects to capture or control or eliminate. People are turned into scapegoats. It happens with acts of war, racism, all the bad stuff."
"People want to feel in control. Seeing another person as an object as a target, gives a primitive kind of security."
"Is there an antidote for this?"
"Uhh... ah, uhh... patience basically. And compassion for others. Seeing others as important. Seeing people and love as sacred. Valuing the interal world of our reality over the objects and things. Inquiring into your own inner motives. The enemy within is own flawed wicked nature. The enemy is anger and hatred."
"Just like the body heals wounds we can forgive and asked to be forgiven and heal in the same way. A higher conscious above animalistic instinct can be found... You know all that kind of stuff."
"Extra credit: why are you taking this test?"
"Uh... Uh... because... Uh..."
The alien pizza man interrupted me, "That's okay they never get that one anyway. Okay now time for grade... Do you want a letter grade or pass/fail"
"Pass/fail. I don't want to take any chances at this point."
He nodded his head solemnly for a few minutes. Then he raised his hand and said, "Pass, barely. You are still in the 43rd grade. You have many more to go."
And then without a moments difference I was back laying on my couch.
That was about twenty minutes ago, since that time I typed this all up...
Oh well time for bed...
A couple of days ago I was just minding my own business sitting on the couch. I heard a knock. I opened the door and saw a man in a uniform. It was a black boots, brown shirt kind of garb. He had mean beady eyes. He glared at me intently, then he shrieked, "You haff violated statute 593C, da commander will see you now!"
"Uh, no thanks. I don't want any.", I said, trying to close the door.
He stuck his arm in to stop me. Then a group of similar dressed men marched up to my door and into my house. They were stomping around in a circle and yelling out things, "Flay the heretic!", "I will eliminate you!", "You are a blemish in our perfect world!", "Organic material will not be tolerated!", "Obey!"
I didn't know who they were, what they were up to or anything. I just wished they would go away. It was so weird I just stood there in shock unable to react.
Finally one of them walked up to me jabbed me in the arm with a hypodermic needle. Jeez I hate it when fascists stomp around your room and do that. "Thees eez bullshit in da needle! You will take it", he said with a leering grin.
"What?!" I exclaimed, "Why are you invading my home and injecting me with your bullshit?! What is this? Why are you doing this?!"
They all stopped marching around and they got a serious look on their face. The captain said, "You have violated code 4350Q! How dare you. You'd better watch it you're in enough trouble." One of the smaller goons started to giggle like a little girl. The captain barked at him, "Quiet! Infraction 435Q! Write it down!"
"Wait a minute, wait a minute" I said. "Who are you and what are you doing? What's going on?"
I don't remember much after that. It was all a fog. I got woozy and they tied me down to a gourney. I stared at the sky wondering what in the hell was going on and why the fascists had to make it so hard for me.

The next thing I remember I woke up wearing a hospital gown in a Roman Cathedral. I was desperate and confused. I stumbled down the aisle. My bare feet could feel the grime and grit of the carpet. I opened the door to blindingly bright sunshine. Every nerve ending was raw. I felt like hadn't gotten any sleep. I couldn't think straight. My mouth felt fuzzy.
That damn fascist bullshit was screwing me up.
I stumbled out into a large city crowd where everyone was jabbering very loudly in a foreign language I didn't understand. It sounded incredibly alien and inhuman.
One man with a pizza in his hand approached me. He started talking to me emphatically. It seemed like he had asked a question. I was just dazed and blankly looked back at him. He started to look more agitated. He asked again.
"I don't understand you. What do you want?" I replied.
He started what must have been cursing in his language. I shrugged my shoulders and shook my head trying to convey the essence of "I don't know what your problem is." It seemed as if anything I did only made him more angry. His face was beet red. His eyebrows were quivering. Again a lengthy blast of foreign language cursing.
He had the eyes of a wild animal. Veins bulged on his forehead. The volume of his voice got louder, more hysterical. I tried to get away but his hand which wasn't holding the pizza kept a vise like grip on me. He kept up the tirade. He used the pizza to emphasize whatever points he was trying to make. I had no idea who this man was or why he was so angry. Sometimes he would point at the pizza for some reason. Sometimes he would make a little person walking with his two fingers, walking around the pizza.
A small crowd started to gather around. A police officer walked by carrying a baton. As the pizza man continued his screeching, he began to wheeze in between breaths. Specks of saliva were spraying out. Foam was gathering around his mouth. It looked like he was possesed. It looked like he wasn't making sense in any language. His verbal assault became more and more animal-like with grunts and growls as punctuation. Suddenly he stopped. The expression on his face suddenly relaxed. He looked startled. Then after looking out into the distance for one second he turned to me and then collapsed to the ground.
It was totally still and silent. Everyone looked at the man. Then in unison they looked at me. The policeman broke the silence with something that sounded incriminating. "Gabba, gabba, gabba gooo!", with rising inflection on the "goo" it sounded like.
"I didn't do anyting!!" I said. "I didn't do anything! What the hell is going on?! I didn't do anything!" I pleaded.
The policeman walked purposefully up to me and bashed me over the head unconscious. "Papa doo da!" he exclaimed self-righteously.
The next hours and days were something of blur. It's hard to explain with all the details and all but basically I was laying in a tomato field and then I got abducted by an alien spaceship.
I spent what seemed like weeks strapped to a metal slab in a semi-conscious state. At one point I suddenly felt awake. The restraints to hold me down were gone. The pizza man was there, standing next to me. He had what resembled a scuba mask which acted as a translation device.
"We have allowed you this time as preparation for the test."

"Why is there strife?" he asked.
"Hmm... because people are unhappy? I guess... They feel pain and they react. They attack. Uhh... The become fixated and identify with what they have said or done, defensiveness. Uh, and also like you know the nature of man can be wicked and all that."

"And how do you explain inhuman treatment of others?"
"Well people start seeing people as objects first of all. Objects to project their problems onto, objects to capture or control or eliminate. People are turned into scapegoats. It happens with acts of war, racism, all the bad stuff."
"People want to feel in control. Seeing another person as an object as a target, gives a primitive kind of security."

"Is there an antidote for this?"
"Uhh... ah, uhh... patience basically. And compassion for others. Seeing others as important. Seeing people and love as sacred. Valuing the interal world of our reality over the objects and things. Inquiring into your own inner motives. The enemy within is own flawed wicked nature. The enemy is anger and hatred."
"Just like the body heals wounds we can forgive and asked to be forgiven and heal in the same way. A higher conscious above animalistic instinct can be found... You know all that kind of stuff."

"Extra credit: why are you taking this test?"
"Uh... Uh... because... Uh..."
The alien pizza man interrupted me, "That's okay they never get that one anyway. Okay now time for grade... Do you want a letter grade or pass/fail"
"Pass/fail. I don't want to take any chances at this point."
He nodded his head solemnly for a few minutes. Then he raised his hand and said, "Pass, barely. You are still in the 43rd grade. You have many more to go."
And then without a moments difference I was back laying on my couch.
That was about twenty minutes ago, since that time I typed this all up...
Oh well time for bed...

[Edited on Dec 14, 2002]